When you’re new to selling your own home, it can be hard to know…
Topic: private selling tips and guides
Our Articles
Top 10 Mistakes Private Sellers Make
1. Not getting good help The company you choose to assist you with your…
14 things most real estate agents won’t tell you
Is hiring a realestate agent the right strategy for you? Australia tends to have…
Should I display my address?
If you’re watching this video, you’re probably wondering about whether you should display your…
Will a For Sale Sign Help Your House Sell Faster?
If you’re reading this you’re probably wondering whether or not you should have a for sale sign so we’ll save you some time and answer that real quick – yes. You categorically should have a for sale sign if you are selling your property.
How to run an open house
Ok, so you’ve decided to have an open house, and you’ve thoroughly prepared your…
How to prepare for an open house
Ok so you’ve decided to have an open house – what should you do…
Open house pros and cons: Things you should know first.
It’s time to discuss whether you should conduct an open houses or only have…
How to write real estate descriptions for your private sale or rental
A few questions you should ask yourself to start with are: why did you…
How to Take Good Property Photos Like a Professional
If you want to take great photos of your property there’s a few important…
8 “serious” Do’s and Don’ts when Selling over Christmas
Selling property over the Christmas period? Some serious words of advice ♬♬ “Let it…