Our Real Estate Licenses in All the States
Please note that it is an absolute requirement of the real estate portal (realestate.com.au) that any agent assisted sale company or mainstream real estate agency must hold a real estate licenses in each state for which it advertises listings. For example, if a business has a head office located in NSW but advertises Western Australian properties on realestate.com.au, then it must also have a licence in that state. Please also note that this is a requirement of the publicly traded business (realestate.com.au) rather than a requirement of a regulator.
PropertyNow and/or its licensee Andrew Blachut holds real estate licences in every single Australian state and territory.
This licensing and yearly renewals cost the company around $10,000 per annum but is necessary in order to protect the many thousands of listings which PropertyNow markets for its clients throughout Australia. Please do not ever list with any online business which suggests it can place your property on realestate.com.au until and unless you have established the bona fides and track record of the company and that it holds all 8 state and territorial real estate licences.